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Pontius, Draft, Colorado River Basin Study, [1997]
Draft, Colorado River Basin Study. Submitted to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission (Principal Investigator, Dale Pontius), in
conjunction with SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants (Tucson, Arizona, March 1, 1997). Approximately 145 p., variously paginated. Contents include the
Introduction; Executive Summary; Background Information, including geography, major water use and allocation and operation of the river); Major Issues
(Water Management, Ecosystem Sustainability, Salinity Control, Indian Water Rights); Delores River Watershed; Recommendations; Conclusion; and
References (bibliography); and four Appendixes. Figures and Tables include projected Colorado River water use in each state in the upper and lower basins;
annual water use, upper and lower basin from 1981-1985 and 1990-1996; Salinity Control Projects and funding; and Settlements of Tribal Water Rights in
the Colorado River Basin and Outstanding Indian Water Rights Claims.
Title:   Draft Colorado River Basin study / submitted to the Western Water Policy Review Advisory Commission ; principal investigator, Dale Pontius in conjunction with SWCA, Inc., Environmental Consultants, Tucson, Arizona.
OCLC Number:   1039709257
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