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Lower Colorado Region State-Federal Interagency Group. Lower Colorado Region Comprehensive Framework Study of Water and Land Resources: Summary Report, March 1971
Lower Colorado Region, Comprehensive Framework Study of Water and Land Resources, Summary Report (March 1971). Prepared by Lower Colorado Region
State-Federal, Interagency Group for the Pacific Southwest Interagency Commission. 5 + 38 p. Contents include an abstract, the introduction, discussions
of the region, economic projections, water requirements and resources, land requirements and resources, the Framework Program, and various uses of land
and water resources. The document includes maps, photographs, charts and tables. Tables on water requirements and supply, land use, the program’s
flood control program, recreation demand, hunting and fishing demands and other uses of resources include a 1965 base year, with projections for 1980,
2000 and 2020.
Title:   Lower Colorado Region comprehensive framework study of water and land resources : summary report / prepared by Lower Colorado Region State-Federal Interagency Group for the Pacific Southwest Interagency Committee.
OCLC Number:   1393325463
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