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Navajo Nation. Department of Water Resources. Draft, Methodological Guidelines for Determining Consumptive Uses and Losses in the Upper Basin Portion of Arizona, [2002]
Draft, Methodological Guidelines for Determining Consumptive Uses and Losses in the Upper Basin Portion of Arizona. Prepared by Navajo Nation,
Department of Water Resources; in cooperation with U.S. Bureau of Reclamation (September 22, 2002). Approximately 65 p., variously paginated. Contents
include the Executive Summary; an Introduction; Study area description (Precipitation, Surface water, and Ground water); Agricultural Consumptive Use;
Municipal and Industrial Consumptive Use; Recreation, Fish and Wildlife; Irrigation Reservoir Evaporation; Conclusions; and Appendix A, references; with
tables and figures. Tables report data, including estimated consumptive use of Navajo Generating Station, the City of Page, NTUA Public Water Systems
and BIA Public Water Systems.
Title:   Draft, Methodological guidelines for determining consumptive uses and losses in the Upper Basin portion of Arizona / prepared by Navajo Nation, Department of Water Resources, in cooperation with U.S. Bureau of Reclamation.
OCLC Number:   1392094879
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