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Final, Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Rulemaking for Offstream Storage of Colorado River Water …, [1999] (2 volumes)
Final Programmatic Environmental Assessment for Rulemaking for Offstream Storage of Colorado River Water and Development and Release of Intentionally
Created Unused Apportionment in the Lower Division States (43 CRF Part 414). Prepared by U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation,
Lower Colorado Region (October 1999). The first volume contains the main report (x + 242 p.), including the table of contents and seven sections: I,
Purpose and Need for Action; II, Proposed Action and Alternatives; III, Affected Environment and Environmental Consequences; NEPA Compliance for Storage
and Interstate Release Agreements; V, Consultation and Coordination; VI, List of Preparer; and VII, References; with tables (including Annual Water
Supply and Use for 1989 through 1996), maps, charts, graphs and illustrations; eight Figures; and Appendices A through G, including C: Biological
Assessment and Section 7 Consultation Under the Endangered Species Act for Proposed Rule for Offstream Storage of Colorado River Water and Delivery of
Intentionally Created Unused Apportionment in the Lower Division States (CFR Part 414). Appendix H (Comments and Responses on Proposed Rules and Draft
Programmatic Environmental Assessment) is contained in a separate volume.
Title:   Final, programmatic environmental assessment for rulemaking for offstream storage of Colorado River water and development and release of intentionally created unused apportionment in the Lower Division States (43 CFR Part 414) / prepared by U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation, Lower Colorado Region.
OCLC Number:   1039709317
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesNo
Vol. 2, Appendix HYesNo