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Kleinman/Barney/Titmus, Economic Impacts of Changes in Salinity Levels of the Colorado River, [1974]
Economic Impacts of Changes in Salinity Levels of the Colorado River. Prepared by Alan P. Kleinman, Glade J. Barney and Sigurd G. Titemus. Published
by U.S. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Reclamation (Denver, Colorado 1974). ii + 41 + 6 p. Contents of typewritten manuscript include sections
on The Problem Setting; The Need for Evaluation; Economic Effects of Salinity (Physical Effects, Alternatives and Procedures; Agricultural Impacts;
Municipal Impacts; Industrial Impacts; and Total Economic Impacts Due to Changes in Salinity Levels); with References (a bibliography of cited sources);
and Appendix “C,” Water Quality Standards Applicable to San Juan River. Tables include data on acres, percentages, per-acre value and gross value for
field crops, vegetables, seeds and fruits at specific districts and projects in California Study Area, the Gila Study Area, the Lower Main Stem Study
Area (including the Colorado River Indian Reservation); and Summary of Direct and Indirect Salinity Impacts on Agricultural Users by Area; Municipal
Impacts measured by household costs in designated locations; and summary of Salinity Impacts on All Users (high and low estimates; agricultural,
municipal and industrial impacts).
Title:   Economic impacts of changes in salinity levels of the Colorado River / prepared by Alan P. Kleinman, Head, Economics Section, Engineering and Research Center, Denver, Colorado, Glade J. Barney, supervisory economist, Durango, Colorado, Sigurd G. Titmus, regional economist, Boulder City, Nevada.
OCLC Number:   1039709225
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