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Colorado River Storage Project (U.S.). Memorandums of the City of Page, Lechee Coummunity, and Glen Canyon Dam/Reservoir, 1993-2005
This document (287 pp.) does not have a collective title page. It includes correspondence among the Bureau of Reclamation, U.S. Department of the
Interior; the City of Page; the Department of Water Resources Management, The Navajo Nation; LeChee Chapter, District 1, Navajo Nation (1993-2005);
related to the water supply and needs and the use by LeChee of Lake Powell water, and a Page/LeChee Water Supply Project. It includes tables, drawings,
illustrations and maps; and appendices (including the Upper Colorado River Basin Compact (October 11, 1948) among the states of Arizona, Colorado, New
Mexico, Utah and Wyoming; the Colorado River Compact (November 24, 1922); the Page to LeChee Water Supply Pipeline Concept Planning Design Summary
Report (Draft, 6/2/05); and other documents and materials.
Title:   [Memoranda and correspondence concerning the water supply between the City of Page, Arizona and the LeChee Chapter of the Navajo Nation, 1993-2005].
OCLC Number:   1390824590
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