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Description and Holding Information
Lower Colorado Region Assessment Staff. 1975 Water Assessment, Lower Colorado Region: Technical Memorandum No. 2 (Specific Problem Analysis), DRAFT, April 1975
1975 Water Assessment, Lower Colorado Region, Technical Memorandum No. 2. Specific Problem Analysis. Publisher not identified (April 1975).
Typewritten manuscript with handwritten captions. About 70 p., variously paginated. Contents include Volumetric Requirement Tables; Water Supply Tables
(including Land and Water Requirements for Wildlife Facilities, with data on consumptive use for 1975, with projections for 1985 and 2000) and flood damages
(1975, 1985 and 2000). Note on last page: “Appended material not included.” (The report states at p. 8: “The Lower Colorado Region’s water resources
are used primarily for irrigation and municipal and industrial uses. Minor amounts are used consumptively for the cooling of thermal electric power
plants, livestock watering, fish and wildlife, and recreation.”)
Title:   1975 water assessment : Lower Colorado Region technical memorandum no. 2, specific problem analysis / prepared by the Lower Colorado Region staff.
OCLC Number:   1392093828
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