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Kunitz, Demographic Change among the Hopi and Navajo Indians, 1973
Demographic Change Among the Hopi and Navajo Indians, by Stephen J. Kunitz. Published in Lake Powell Research Project Bulleting (No. 2, October
1973). vii + 33 p. Contents include the Abstract; the Introduction; sections on Pre-Contact and Pre-Reservation Periods; Early Reservation Period;
Post-World War II Period; Summary and Discussion (fertility, mortality and migration); an Appendix; Literature Cited (bibliography); a Glossary; and notes on
the authors. Tables and figures include data on birth rate in 1970s; statistics on birth, death and immigration, population change, infant deaths;
hospital reports. (From the abstract: “The growth of the Navajo and Hopi Indian populations is traced over the 100-year period from the early 1870's to
the present. It is shown that the rate of growth of the Navajo population has increased more rapidly than has that of the Hopi population. It is
suggested that epidemic disease among the Hopis until the 1930's accounts for the discrepant rates.”)
Title:   Demographic change among the Hopi and Navajo indians / Stephen J. Kunitz, Department of Preventive Medicine and Community Health, University of Rochester, Rochester, New York.
OCLC Number:   1386978664
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