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Quality of Water, Colorado River Basin, Progress Report, 1963-
Quality of Water, Colorado River Basin, Progress Report No. 6. Published by U.S. Department of the Interior (January 1973). Approximately 120 p. This report includes the Summary and 12 parts, including Conclusions; it includes tables and figures with data on the flow and quality of water at many locations, including salinity and relationship between water discharge and dissolved solids concentrations. (The summary states: “This report is a presentation of various water quality aspects of the Colorado River. Although several water quality parameters are discussed, the major part of the report is allotted to salinity (total dissolved solids) because it is presently the most serious quality problem on the river system. The historical, present modified, and future salinity conditions of water of the Colorado River down to Imperial Dam are presented in this report. The historical is represented by a tabulation of the recorded or estimated past condition at 17 quality of water stations for the 1941-70 period. The present modified condition includes adjustments of the historic condition based on the assumption that developments completed during the 1941-70 period were in operation for the full period. The future condition is an estimated projection after the presently authorized developments and some projects proposed for authorization are placed in operation.”)
Quality of water, Colorado River Basin, progress report.
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