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Great Basin Region Comprehensive Framework Study: Main Report, 1971
Main Report, Great Basin Region, Comprehensive Framework Study. Prepared under the direction of Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee, Water
Resources Council (June 1971). viii + 7 + 60 p. Contents include the Foreword; maps of the region (in Nevada, Utah and Idaho); the Summary providing
overview of sections on the Region, the Regional Economy, the Current Status of Resource Development, Use and Planning, Water and Related Resources
Availability, Problems and Needs, the Development Program and Implementation, and Conclusions and Recommendations; with Tables, Figures and Maps. (The summary
states, “Under the direction of the Water Resources Council and the Pacific Southwest Inter-Agency Committee, the Great Basin Region State-Federal
Interagency Group organized and directed this comprehensive framework study. The study is an assessment of the ability of the Region to meet the needs
of assumed projected levels of population growth and economic development. Present uses are identified and available resources compared with estimated
needs to the year 2020.” Tables include data on projected water and land use, and shifts in irrigated cropland, with a 1965 base year, and projections
for 1980, 2000 and 2020, with anticipated changes 1965-2020. Also included are data for development program facilities and costs in the same time
Title:   Great Basin region comprehensive framework study : main report.
OCLC Number:   1382339110
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