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Colorado River Workshop. Issues, Ideas, and Directions, Proceedings Report, 1996
Proceedings Report. The Colorado River Workshop: issues, ideas, and directions. Phoenix, Arizona (February 26-28, 1996). 256 p. Contents of this
document include a cover letter (July 15, 1996) by Tom Moody, Project Manager; opening remarks by David Getches; information on seven Discussion Sessions:
I, Stakeholder Participation; II, Endangered Species; III, Efficient Water Use; IV, Hydropower; V, Water Marketing; VI, Adaptive Management; VII,
Institutional Options; sections on lessons from the Sacramento – San Joaquin Delta (by Chelsea Congdon) and from the Columbia River Basin (by John
Volkman); closing remarks by Eluid Martinez; participants comments; panelist/presenter biographies; and participants list.
Title:   The Colorado River Workshop : issues, ideas, and directions : proceedings report : February 26-28, 1996, Phoenix, Arizona.
OCLC Number:   1382358154
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