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Description and Holding Information
U.S. Department of the Interior. Water and Power Resources Service. CRSP Power Peaking Capacity, Dunham Point Unit, Colorado: Plan of Study, [1981?]
Colorado River Storage Project Power Peaking Capacity, Dunham Point Unit, Colorado, Plan of Study. Published by U.S. Department of the Interior,
Water and Power Resources Service (January 1981). 56 p., variously paginated. This document includes the Notice of Initiation of Investigations by the
Water and Power Resources Service, Upper Colorado Region includes (dated February 1981); with eight chapters: introduction; legislation, regulations and
guidelines; study organizations; plan formulation process; refinement of preferred plan (environmental, power, engineering, economic, social); reports
(required, responsibility and review); authorization and preconstruction activities; and time schedule, with a bar chart of Dunham Point Unit
illustrating when important activities will occur in the years 1981 through 1986; and Attachment A, with introduction to peaking power concepts, the Colorado
River storage project; Power System, glossary of power terms; and charts/diagrams and tables on daily demand for power and seasonal variations,
visual depiction of the Hydro Power System and the Interconnected Transmission System for the Colorado River Storage Project, map of the C.R.S.P. Market
Area (northern and southern divisions).
Title:   CRSP power peaking capacity, Dunham Point Unit, Colorado : plan of study.
OCLC Number:   1379292320
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