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Stockton/Jacoby, Long-Term Surface-Water Supply and Streamflow Trends in the Upper Colorado River Basin, 1976
Long-term Surface-water Supply and Streamflow Trends in the Upper Colorado River Basin (based on tree-ring analyses), by Charles W. Stockton and
Gordon C. Jacoby, Jr. (March 1976). Contents include the Introduction, including a statement of the problem, the objective of the study, and review of
previous studies; sections on surface-water hydrology; dendrochronology; dendrohydrology; the summary, a list of references, and a glossary. Document
include maps, tables, figures (charts and diagrams); an Appendix (Reconstructed Flow Records); and a list of Lake Powell Research Project Bulletins.
(Cover page identifies the Lake Powell Research Project Bulletin as a publication of the research project, Collaborative Research on Assessment of Man’s
Activities in the Lake Powell Region, funded by National Science Foundation.)
Title:   Long-term surface-water supply and streamflow trends in the Upper Colorado River Basin based on tree-ring analyses / Charles W. Stockton, Laboratory of Tree-Ring Research, University of Arizona, Tucson, Arizona 85721 and Gordon C. Jacoby, Jr., Loamont-Doherty Geological Observatory of Columbia Univeristy, Palisades, New York 10964.
OCLC Number:   1378692623
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