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Jacoby [et al.], Analysis of Groundwater and Surface Water Supply Interrelationships in the Upper Colorado River Basin Using Natural Radon-222 as a Tracer, [1979?]
Analysis of Groundwater and Surface Water Supply Interrelationships in the Upper Colorado River Basin Using Natural Radon-222 as a Tracker. By Gordon
C. Jacoby, Jr. et al. Published by John Muir Institute, Inc. (July 1979). 6 + 46 p. Contents of this report include an introduction and conclusion;
sections on background: water resources in the region; research methods (including use of Radon-222 and helium isotopes to study groundwater input into
river systems and groundwater surface-water relationships); research results for Radon-222 and Helium Isotopes; a bibliography of references cited;
and an Appendix (Radon-222 measurements for the Piceance Creek, Colorado, April 1978). The report includes maps, tables and charts with radon
measurements in springs and wells, and other data (from 1978). From the conclusion: “[I]n these rivers in Utah and Colorado there is unquestionably significant
groundwater contribution to surface water flow. Substantial development of groundwater in these regions whether for agricultural, municipal, or
industrial purposes will undoubtedly interfere with the surface water flow in time. Therefore careful hydrologic analyses should be made in advance of
groundwater development to provide an information base for the conjunctive management of the surface water and groundwater.”
Title:   Analysis of groundwater and surface water supply interrelationships in the Upper Colorado River Basin using natural radon-222 as a tracer / by Gordon C. Jacoby, Jr. [and 3 others].
OCLC Number:   1378643729
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