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Description and Holding Information
Senate. Act providing for the foreclosure of certain mortgages, 1857
SEE ALSO 56058 Thirty-sixth Legislature. Senate. No. 9. An Act providing for the foreclosure of certain mortgages given to secure the payment of
bonds and coupons issued by railroad corporations, 1857. If a payment date were not met, that was grounds for foreclosure. Persons seeking to
foreclose had to advertise in the newspapers for three weeks and there was a longer window to make up the missed payments. The people who foreclosed
became a company, obliged to run the enterprise to pay down debt rather than enrich investors.(Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held
by the Library of Congress).
Title:   An act providing for the foreclosure of certain mortgages given to secure the payment of bonds and coupons, issued by railroad corporations.
OCLC Number:   1431903688
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