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House. Comm. on Road to Canadian Provinces. Report, 1827
January 25, 1827 Report of the House Committee regarding the opening of a road from the sources of the Kennebec River to the Canadian Provinces. The
committee passed numerous resolves regarding the process to build a road, as specified within the report, over the two states of Maine and
Massachusetts and into Canada. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Maine Historical Society Library).
Title:   State of Maine. House of Representatives, Jan. 25, 1827 : The Committee to whom was referred so much of the Governor's communication as relates to opening a road from the sources of the Kennebec River to the British Provinces of Canada, and also sundry petitions and memorials in relation to that subject, have had the same under consideration, and ask leave to report: ...
OCLC Number:   1241985851
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