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Description and Holding Information
1705-05-23, German Compa. in Thuringia. Letter of thanks for information (MS)
May 23, 1705 letter from the German Company in Thuringia to the Lord Proprietors, which thanked them for the information regarding settling in
Carolina, and presented a proposal to coming to America. A possible response to this inquiry can be found at LLMC 39807. (Digitized from a microfilm copy
of titles originally held by the Library of Congress).
Title:   The favour, which yer. Excellcy hath shewn to our deputies, whom we sent over to view some English Provinces in America, hath by them been very highly commenced and extolled.
OCLC Number:   1453905076
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesNo