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1731-11-02, Act requiring registration of land
November 2, 1731 Act by the General Assembly of South Carolina, which required all persons to register their lands with the Office of his Majesty's Auditor General or his deputy. An exception existed for grants of land in towns. Failure to so register within the eighteen months period allowed in the act would subject a person's lands to be deemed vacant. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by Public Records Office in London, England).
Charlestown, South-Carolina : Whereas in and by an act of the General Assembly of this province, passed the 20th day of August, 1731 ... This is therefore to give notice, that James St. John, Esq ; being appointed by His Majesty, auditor general of this province, hath now opened his office in Charlestown ... / signed by order of His Majesty's said Auditor General, this 27th day of November, 1731. George Rolfe, Dep. Auditor.
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