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Description and Holding Information
1779-03-20, Proclamation against importation of foreign cloth (Sp. & Fr.)
March 20, 1779 Proclamation against importation of foreign cloth, issued by of Don Bernard de Galvez of the Province of Louisiana, in Spanish and
French. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of titles originally held by the Chicago Historical Society Library).
Title:   Dn. Bernardo de Galvez, cavallero pensionado de la real y distinguida orden de Carlos Tercero ... : Hazemos saver que Su Magestad ... nos a hecho llegar su Rl. Cedula fecha en Madrid à los 14 de julio del año ultimo proximo passado ... = Faisons sçavoir, que Sa Majesté ... nous auroit fait parvenir sa Royalle Cédule faite à Madrid le 14 juillet dernier de 1778 ...
OCLC Number:   62812915
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