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1827-01-01, Petition to pass a law to establish a lottery
SEE ALSO 51814 H.R. No. 19 On January 1, 1827 seven men representing the citizens of Boston petitioned the Legislature to set up a system to license the sale of lottery tickets. The system of total suppression of lotteries had not worked, and the men outlined all the usual reasons. Many states used lotteries to fund public improvements and the petition showed some of those. Licensing ticket sales was a measure of control. On January 23, 1827, the legislative committee directed to study the question presented An Act in relation to lotteries, 1827. It listed the costs of licenses all over the state; generally, the higher the population of a town, the more expensive a license. The licensee had to be a citizen of the locality and of good moral character.
Offenses meant forfeiture of the license and an unspecified fine. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Massachusetts State Library).
To the honorable the Senate and House of Representatives in General Court assembled : the petition and representation of the subscribers, citizens of the City of Boston, respectfully shew that in the opinion of your petitioners it would greatly conduce to the interest of the Commonwealth and greatly diminish the evils which are now experienced if a law should be passed making provision for the licensing the sale of lottery tickets within this Commonwealth under proper and judicious restrictions and limitations.
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