Description and Holding Information
1826-01-17, Memorial of the Town of Salem
On January 17, 1826, nearly one hundred citizens of Salem signed a memorial decrying the State's practice of holding shareholders accountable for the debts of local corporations. This practice strongly inhibits investment in local companies; neither individuals nor banks or other financial institutions would take such a risk. The memorial was signed by Joseph Story and 95 other residents. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Massachusetts State Library).
To the Honourable the Senate, and the Honourable the House of Representatives, in General Court assembled. : The memorial of the undersigned, inhabitants of the town of Salem, humbly shews, that your memorialists have observed, with regret, the operation of certain provisions in the laws, respecting manufacturing corporations, in this commonwealth ... provisions which, in their opinion, have a direct tendency to check the growth of manufactures in our own state ...
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Available Volumes
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Vol. 1 | | Yes | No |