Description and Holding Information
1773-12-14, Queries (and answers) on various subjects relative to Pennsylvania (MS)
This group of seventeen documents, all dated December 14, 1773, was paperwork associated with the preparation of a report to London. Different members of government were assigned questions, all to be answered in writing. There was considerable redundancy in the documents, but almost all have some nugget that was not in the others. The level of specificity requested could not always be achieved. Once completed, the report would have contained comprehensive data about all aspects of the Province: specific location on the globe, climate, soils, agriculture, trade, population, expenses of government, rivers and their commerce, relations with the Native Americans, and maritime issues, including customs collection. No cultural topics were included. Document 16 had the header for the Governor's answer, but no text. The final report was not with the group. (Digitized from material held at the American Philosophical Society)
[Queries and answers on various subjects relative to Pennsylvania].
OCLC Number:
Available Volumes
Name | Fiche Count | Online | Paper Backup |
Questions: Population, militia, forts, etc. | | Yes | No |
Questions: Militia, forts, rivers, etc. | | Yes | No |
Questions: Population | | Yes | No |
Questions: Boundaries, Civil establisment, Rivers, Mines | | Yes | No |
Circular to elicit answers to population | | Yes | No |
Answer: Climate, soil, etc. | | Yes | No |
Answers: Population | | Yes | No |
Answer: Civil establishment | | Yes | No |
Answers: Population | | Yes | No |
Answers: Population, progress, expenses | | Yes | No |
Questions & Answers: Indians | | Yes | No |
Questions: Trade | | Yes | No |
Questions: Trade | | Yes | No |
Questions: Illegal trade, expenses | | Yes | No |
Answers: Trade | | Yes | No |
Collector Customs' answer (inc.) | | Yes | No |
Questions: Boundaries, Constitution | | Yes | No |