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1741, Extract of tax act of 1736-05-26
1741 Extract of an Act passed on May 26, 1736 which assessed the listed towns and districts to pay specified assessments in order to discharge the public debts of the State Treasury. The rules and process for assessment of taxes was also included in this extract. A note indicated that all provisions relevant for 1741 were included in this document. (Digitized from a microfilm copy of a title originally held by the Massachusetts Historical Society Library).
Extract of an act passed by the Great and General Court or Assembly of His Majesty's province of the Massachusetts-Bay in New-England : begun and held at Boston, upon Wednesday the twenty-sixth day of May 1736. And continued by several prorogations unto Wednesday the twenty-fourth day of November following, and then met. Entitled, An act for supplying the Treasury with the sum of eighteen thousand pounds in bills of credit of the present form and tenour ; and nine thousand pounds in bills of credit of a new form, for discharging the publick debt's, &c. and for establishing the wages of sundry person, &c. in the service of the province, and for the more easy and effectual drawing in the said eighteen thousand pounds into the Treasury again, and for the apportioning the said nine thousand pounds on the several and respective towns in the province.
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