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Description and Holding Information
Records of the Council, 1686- (print)
1686- Print records of the Massachusetts Bay Colony Council. Included in these records were proclamations, grants, attendance records, resolution
and other governing documents. Of note, these records were copied from various printed sources, including the the Massachusetts Historical Society
(Dudley Records), and American Antiquarian Society (Anthros Records). (Digitized from a microfilm copy of titles originally held by the Massachusetts
State Archives).
Title:   [Records of Council, 1686-1689].
OCLC Number:   1035955137
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
1686 May 25-Dec. 16YesNo
1686 Dec. 20-1687 Dec. 29YesNo
1688 Jan.4-Aug. 29YesNo