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Rogers, Postal Power of Congress, 1916
The Postal Power of Congress: A Study in Constitutional Expansion, by Lindsay Rogers. Published by the Johns Hopkins Press (Baltimore 1916). viii +
189 p. Contents include the Preface and seven Chapters: I, Introductory; II, The Power of Congress to Establish Postoffices; III, The Power of Congress
to Establish Postroads; IV, Limitations on the Postal Power; V, The Power of States to Interfere with the Mails; VI, The Extension of Federal Control
over Postroads; and VII, The Extension of Federal Control Through Exclusion From the Mails; a Table of Cases; and the Index. (The title page
identifies this as Series XXXIV, No. 2 of the Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science.)
Title:   The postal power of Congress : a study in constitutional expansion / by Lindsay Rogers, Ph. D., LL. B., adjunct professor of political science in the University of Virginia.
OCLC Number:   680644532
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