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Brown, Municipal Bonds, 1922
Municipal Bonds: A Statement of the Principles of Law and Custom Governing the Issue of American Municipal Bonds with Illustrations from the Statutes
of Various States. By Fraser Brown. Published by Prentice-Hall (New York 1922). xi + 231 p. Contents include the Foreword and Acknowledgment; the
main work in 18 chapters; appendices, including an outline analysis of the subject, definitions of terns used in investment banking, and a bibliography;
and the Index.
Title:   Municipal bonds : a statement of the principles of law and custom governing the issue of American municipal bonds, with illustrations from the statutes of various states / by Fraser Brown, member of the New York City bar, lecturer on finance in the School of Commerce, Accounts and Finance, New York University.
OCLC Number:   572422230
Available Volumes
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Vol. 1YesYes