Description and Holding Information
Judicial, Privy Coun. Acts, Colonial Ser., Grant/Munro, 1908-12
ed. by W.L. Grant & James Munro, Vol. 1–6, Hereford, pr. for HMSO by Anthony Bros., 1908–1912. (This work serves as an index/digest to all of the documents covering colonial matters which were handled by the Privy Council for the period 1613–1783, and which are held by the Public Record office and other official depositories. The present series was preceded by a seven-volume “Acts of the Privy Council” by Sir Harris Nicholas published between 1834 and 1837, which covered the proceedings of that body from the earliest times down to 1542. From 1890 to 1906 a new series was issued by the Treasury under the editorship of Sir J.R. Dasent. The 32 volumes of that second series carried the record down to the death of Queen Elizabeth I. This third series begins with the dawn of the British colonial era. It is comprised of short digests and extracts from the bound records, which are arranged in chronological order in Vol. 1 through 5, divided as follows—1613–1680, 1680–1720, 1720–1745, 1745–1766, & 1766–1783. Vol. 6 covers unbound materials for the whole period. The matters covered range from the routine to the momentous, with roughly 40% of the whole relating to documents covering appeals to the Privy Council from colonial courts. “Our principle has been to include everything of direct interest to the student of British colonial policy, administration and history; matters which depended for their interest on something non-colonial, or in which the mention of the colony was purely incidental, have been omitted.” {Pref. pp. ix–x} Each volume has a separate index which, while not compendious, appears adequate to distinguish materials relating to specific colonies.)
Acts of the Privy Council of England : colonial series.
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