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1963, East Caribbean Federation, Civil Service Rpt., 2v
Federation of East Caribbean Territories; Report of the Civil Service Commission: n.a., Vol. 1-2, Cmnd. 1992, London, HMSO, 1963. (A TOC to Vol. 1
starts on p. v. “Volume Two” is actually only a container for 18 exhibits relating to various aspects of the civil service recommendations. The exhibits
are labeled: Tables B, D, L-Z and AA. This was one of the major feasibility studies commissioned by the Colonial Office to map out the viability and
plot the governing structure of the proposed East Caribbean Federation.)
Title:   Federation of East Caribbean territories : report of the Civil Service Commission / presented to Parliament by the Secretary of State for the Colonies by command of Her Majesty, April, 1963.
OCLC Number:   879716253
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesNo
Vol. 2YesNo