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1813, Dealtry, Duty and Policy of Propagating Christianity
Duty and Policy of propagating Christianity; a discourse delivered before the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East, May 4,1813: by
William Dealtry, Archdeacon of Surrey, 36p., London, Printed by Whittingham & Rowland, 1813. (A speech delivered before the Church Missionary Society for
Africa and the East by evangelist and clergyman William Dealtry arguing that it is the obligation of the Church to spread Christianity to Africa and
the Far East.)
Title:   Duty and policy of propagating Christianity : a discourse delivered before the Church Missionary Society for Africa and the East, May 4, 1813 / by the Rev. William Dealtry, B.D., F.R.S., examining chaplain to the Lord Bishop of Bristol, and fellow of Trinity College, Cambridge.
OCLC Number:   951052324
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