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1939, So. Africa & Botswana/Bech./Swaz., Hist. of Rela.
Basutoland, The Bechuanaland protectorate and Swaziland; History of discussions with the Union of South Africa, 1909-1939: n.a., 135p, Cmd. 8707,
London, HMSO, 1952. (This compendium documents the continual effort of South Africa, generally opposed by Great Britain, to either dictate the affairs of
it native neighbors, or even to annex them.)
Title:   Basutoland, the Bechuanaland Protectorate and Swaziland : history of discussions with the Union of South Africa, 1909-1939 / presented by the Secretary of State for Commonwealth Relations to Parliament by command of Her Majesty, December 1952.
OCLC Number:   655170860
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