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1904, Brazil/Gr. Br., Guiana Boundary Dispute (Brazil’s Second Memorial) 3 vols.
Frontières du Brésil et de la Guyane anglaise,Second mémoire: by Joaquim Nabuco, 3 vols., Paris, A. Lahure, 1903. (The second Memorial presented to the King of Italy, chosen as arbitrator, on behalf of Brazil in the arbitration involving territory contested between Brazil and British Guiana (Great Britain). Part one discusses the British claim, Part two addresses the historical part of the British Memorial, and Part Three consists of cartographic evidence and contains maps and charts.)
Second mémoire : présenté à Rome le 26 septembre 1903 / par Joaquim Nabuco, envoyé extraordinaire et ministre plénipotentiaire du Brésil en mission spéciale auprès de Sa Majesté le roi d'Italie.
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