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1896, Venezuela/B.G., Border Arb., Br. Docs. & Correspondence-D
Further documents relating to the question of boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela; Despatch from Her Majesty’s ambassador at Washington.
Inclosing the first part of the brief for Venezuela; Presented to both houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, August, 1896: n.a., 11p, C.8194,
London, HMSO, 1896. (At head of title: Venezuela, No. 4, {1896}. This is clearly only an “introduction and summary” of the brief written by William L.
Scruggs, Legal Adviser of the Venezuelan Government. The final brief, also offered on this site as LLMC Title No. 08831, runs to 236 pages.)
Title:   Further documents relating to the question of boundary between British Guiana and Venezuela : despatch from Her Majesty's ambassador at Washington, inclosing the first part of the brief for Venezuela / presented to both Houses of Parliament by command of Her Majesty, August 1896.
OCLC Number:   729494266
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