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Description and Holding Information
1896, Venezuela/B.G., Border Arb., Venezuelan Documents, 3v
Documents relating to the question of boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana; Submitted to the Boundary Commission by the counsel of the
Government of Venezuela: n.a., Vol. 1-3, Wash., D.S., McGill & Wallace, Printers, 1896. (Besides the evidence of the title, the only indication of
provenance comes from the spine of the book which states: “U.S. Commission on Boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana, Washington, 1896-97” and “Vol.
VIII, Documents.”)
Title:   Documents relating to the question of boundary between Venezuela and British Guyana Submitted to the boundary commission by the counsel of the government of Venezuela.
OCLC Number:   262632441
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Volume 1YesNo
Volume 2YesNo
Volume 3YesNo