Description and Holding Information
1897, Venezuela/B.G., Border Arb., U.S. Comm. Rpt., 3v
Report of the special commission appointed by the President of the United States “to investigate and report upon the true divisional line between the Republic of Venezuela and British Guiana: n.a., Vol. 1-3, Wash., GPO, 1897. (Vol. 1 contains: the Commission’s report, pp. 5-406. A table of contents appears on p. 3. Vol. 2 contains extracts from the Dutch archives relative to Guyana, pp. 1-622, and miscellaneous manuscript documents filed with the Commission by the Government of Venezuela, pp. 663-723. A table of contents for the former starts on p. ix; for the latter on p. 664. Vol. 3 contains: various cartographic reports related to the arbitration, pp. 1-517. A table of contents for Vol. 3 appears on p. III. A reprint of this report in the form of a senate document is offered on this site as LLMC Title 08830.)
Report and accompanying papers of the Commission appointed by the President of the United States "to investigate and report upon the true divisional line between the Republic of Venezuela and British Guiana" / United States Commission on Boundary between Venezuela and British Guiana.
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