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1902, US/Mexico, United States vs. Mexico
United States vs. Mexico, Report of Jackson H. Ralston, agent of the United States and of counsel, in the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the
Californias, heard before a tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration under The Hague Convention of 1899, sitting at The Hague September 15,
1902 to October 14,1902 …: 891p., Washington, Government Printing Office, 1902. (A report submitted by Jackson H. Ralston regarding a dispute between
the United States and the United Mexican States dealing with the annuities of the “Pius Fund of the Californias.” The United States claimed the
annuities for the Archbishop of San Francisco and Mexico claimed them for the Bishop of Monterey. The document includes a copy of the award, Memorial of the
U.S., the pleadings, copy of the treaty involved, the briefs submitted, and a record of the proceedings. A table of contents beginning on p.3 lists the
order in which the documents appear.)
Title:   United States vs. Mexico in the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the Californias : report of Jackson H. Ralston, agent of the United States and of counsel, in the matter of the case of the Pious Fund of the Californias : heard before a tribunal of the Permanent Court of Arbitration under The Hague Convention of 1899, sitting at The Hague September 15, 1902, to October 14, 1902 : with pleadings, appendix, exhibits, briefs, and record of the entire proceedings.
OCLC Number:   576363858
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Part 1, Report of AgentYesNo
Part 2, PleadingsYesNo
Part 3, Appendix to RecordYesNo
Part 4, BriefsYesNo
Part 5, ExhibitsYesNo
Part 6, Record of ProceedingsYesNo