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1924, UK Refuses to Pull Troops from Egypt & Sudan
Despatch to His Majesty’s High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan respecting the position of His Majesty’s Government in regard to Egypt and the
Sudan: n.a., 4p, Cmd. 2269, Egypt No. 1 (1924), London, HMSO, 1924. (This is a statement by Ramsey MacDonald, then Secretary of State for Foreign
Affairs, that Great Britain would not accede to a demand by the semi-independent Egyptian monarchy that it evacuate all of its troops from Egypt and the
Title:   Despatch to His Majesty's High Commissioner for Egypt and the Sudan respecting the position of His Majesty's Government in regard to Egypt and the Sudan / presented by the Secretary of State for Foreign Affairs to Parliament by command of His Majesty.
OCLC Number:   861013315
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