Acting Commissioner to Locate the Capitol. Report, 1848-02-28 |
Acting Commissioner to Locate the Capitol. Report, 1848-02-28 |
Adjutant General. Annual report, <1843>- |
Adjutant General's Office. Report on arms distribution, 1844 |
Agent of the State Prison. Communication on building for solitary confinement, 1855 |
Attorney General. Abstracts of the State to the Agricultural Farm, 1865 |
Attorney General. Communication concerning the River Raisin and Grand River Railroad, 1857 |
Attorney General. Communication, 1845 |
Attorney General. Report on principal and interest due on Pontiac R.R. indebtedness, 1848 |
Attorney General. Report on title to the Capitol Building, 1848 |
Auditor General. Amounts expeded to enlarge the State Library, 1859 |
Auditor General. Annual report, <1843>- |
Auditor General. Communication in reply to a Senate resolution, 1850 |
Auditor General. Communication concerning expenses for advertising tax sales, 1851 |
Auditor General. Communication concerning expenses of the State Government, 1851 |
Auditor General. Communication concerning settlement with agent of State Prison, 1853 |
Auditor General. Communication on amount of property on which taxes were paid, 1862 |
Auditor General. Communication on appropriations of the internal improvement lands, 1861 |
Auditor General. Communication on bank tax, 1846 |
Auditor General. Communication on internal improvement lands, 1857 |
Auditor General. Communication on internal improvement lands, 1865 |
Auditor General. Communication on internal improvement lands, 1865 Mar. 1 |
Auditor General. Communication on reports of Bay de Noquet and Marquette R.R. .., 1863 |
Auditor General. Communication on settlement with the Agent of State Prison, 1853 |
Auditor General. Communication on State Prison accounts for 1854, 1855 |
Auditor General. Deliquent taxes on canal lands, 1861 |
Auditor General. Names, residences, etc. of clerks employed in various departments since Jan. 1, 1863, 1865 |
Auditor General. Names, residences, etc. of clerks employed, 1863-64, 1865 |
Auditor General. Reply to House resolution on cost of delinquent taxes, 1848 |
Auditor General. Reply to resolution of Jan. 28th, 1845 |
Auditor General. Reply to Senate concerning Supreme Ct. mandamus on Pontiac R.R. bond, 1848 |
Auditor General. Report of Mexican War disbursements, 1848 |
Auditor General. Report of Mexican War disbursements, 1848 |
Auditor General. Report on bonds, 1846 |
Auditor General. Report on Michigan Southern Rail Road Co. indebtedness, 1848 |
Auditor General. Statement of accounts with certain counties, 1861 |
Auditor General. Statement on amounts expended on public works, 1848 |
Auditor General's Office. Answer to a resolution, 1844 |
Auditor General's Office. Answer to a resolution, 1845 |
Auditor General's Office. Reply on the cost of printing, 1844 |
Auditor General's Office. Report of settlement, <1844>- |
Auditor General's Office. Report on "extra force" payments, 1844 |
Audtor General. Communication … on employees' salaries, 1865 |
Board of Control of House of Corrections for Juveniles. Report, 1857 |
Board of Education. Report on the State Normal School, 1850 |
Board of Internal Improvement. Letter in reply to a joint resolution, 1844 |
Board of State Auditors on Land Claims. Annual report, 1845- |
Board of State Auditors. Annual report, <1843>- |
Board of State Auditors. Communication on W. Ford & Son negociations, 1845 |
Board of State Auditors. Reply to Lathrop's memorial, 1848 |
Board of Trustees of Michigan Asylums. Report, 1850 |
Commission of Inquiry into Criminal Procedure. Report, 1927 |
Commissioner of Revision. Communication, 1846 |
Commissioners to Locate the Capitol. Report, 1848 |
Detroit Light Guard. Communication from the Secretary, 1865 |
Documents communicated to the House & Senate, -1843 |
Health Dept. Regulations for the Control of Communicable Diseases, [19--?] |
House. Comm. on Militia. Report on the Adjutant and Quartermaster, 1850- |
Immigration Agent. Report on activities, 1846 |
Internal Improvement Office. Communication from the Acting Commissioner, 1846 |
Internal Improvement Office. Communication, 1846 |
Internal Improvement Office. Indebtedness for internal improvements, 1846 |
Internal Improvement Office. Receipts of the Southern and Central Railroads, 1845 |
Internal Improvement Office. Report on Central Rail Road traffic, 1845 |
Lacey. Communication from Agent selecting lands to support the Agricultural College, 1864 |
Land Board. Draft minutes, 1808-12 (MS) |
Land Board. Index to records, 1805-<1806> (MS) |
Land Board. Receipt book, 1819-26 (MS) |
Land Board. Transactions, 1806-36 (MS) |
Land Office. Communication on F. Mill property appraisal, 1844 |
Land Office. Reply to Senate resolution concerning the Land Office, 1848 |
Land Office. University and school lands sold, 1846 |
Michigan Attorney General Opinions, 1838- |
Michigan Board of Commissioners of the Soldiers' National Cemetery. Report, 1865 |
Michigan Central College. Preliminary report, 1848 |
Michigan State Agricultural Society. Communication on finances, 1857 |
Michigan State Bank. Trustees' annual report, <1844>- |
Muskegon River Improvement Commissioner. Report, 1865 |
Office of Internal Improvement. Cost of constructing the Central Railroad to Jackson, 1844 |
Office of Internal Improvement. Report on obligations, 1844 |
Quartermaster General. Communication, 1845-01-31 |
Reform School Board of Control. Communication in reply to inquires, 1865 |
Secretary of State. Abstract of fees, <1847>- |
Secretary of State. Annual report on condition of the State Library, <1848>- |
Secretary of State. Census returns for 1860, 1861 |
Secretary of State. Communication concerning colored population in the State, 1851 |
Secretary of State. Communication on the Grand Rapids Canal, 1850 |
Secretary of State. Communication on insurance companies organized under state law, 1865 |
Secretary of State. List of corporations that have filed articles of association, 1867 |
Secretary of State. List of State officers, 1845 |
Secretary of State. Number of insane persons, 1846 |
Secretary of State. Number of insane, deaf, dumb and blind in the State, 1850- |
Secretary of State. Reports from the Muskegon Improvement Commissioner, 1862 |
Secretary of State. State of the population by county for 1864, 1865 |
Secretary of State. Statistical report, <1848-49>- |
Senate. Finance Comm. Report on R.W. Cummings relief, 1865 |
State Agricultural College. Communication giving number of students, etc., 1865 |
State Court Administration Office, Michigan District Court Employee Classification and Compensation Project, 1977 |
State Land Office. Amount of land appropriations made by the States, 1848 |
State Land Office. Communication following the Senate resolutions, 1850 |
State Land Office. Communication on land patents, 1855 |
State Land Office. Communication on state lands tresspassed upon, 1861 |
State Land Office. Communication on swamp land state roads, 1865 |
State Land Office. Communication on swamp lands, 1857 |
State Land Office. Communication on swamp lands, 1857 (House doc.) |
State Land Office. Communication on unappropriated land, 1855 |
State Land Office. Receipts from sales of swamp lands, 1861 |
State Land Office. Statement of lands appropriated by this state, 1863 |
State Librarian. Communication, 1859 |
State Printer. Amounts paid to State Printer, 1846 |
State Prison Agent. Report to the House, 1845 |
State Prison Inspectors. Affidavits and report, 1847 |
State Prison Inspectors. Report, 1855 |
Superintendent of Public Instruction. Communication, 1855 |
Treasurer. Communication concerning the Farmers' and Mechanics' Bank, 1851 |
Treasurer. Communication concerning the tax paid by banks of this state, 1851 |
Treasurer. Communication concerning banks, 1850 |
Treasurer. Communication on banks, 1850 |
Treasurer. Communication on payment due from the Southern Rail Road Co., 1850 |
Treasurer. Communication on sale of state bonds, 1863 |
Treasurer. Communication on sale of state bonds, 1863 |
Treasurer. Communication on St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal, 1859 |
Treasurer. Communication on Treasurer's Office's employees' salaries, 1865 |
Treasurer. Transmittal of St. Mary's Falls Ship Canal reports, 1859 |
University of Michigan. Regents. Reply to Senate resolution, 1850 |
University of Michigan. Regents. Report on recent difficulties, 1850 |
University of Michigan. Regents. Report on recent difficulties, 1850 |
University. Board of Regents. Report on geology collections, 1846 |