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Early State Records
Pennsylvania, Laws (by date)
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Click on the collections below to browse the available titles on LLMC Digital.
<1821-22>- , Titles of acts passed by the Legislature
16??, Two laws (MS)
1682, Abstract of the laws (MS)
1682, Great law of 1682 (MS)
1682, Great law of 1682 (MS)
1682-12-06, Assembly proceedings (MS)
1682-1701, Proceedings of the House of Representatives (MS)
1682-1726, Votes & proceedings of the House (1752-53)
1682-1730, Pennsylvania Session Laws (MS)
1686-11-26, Proclamation concerning cutting timber (MS)
1690, Green book (MS)
1693, Tax act
1700, Laws made and passed by William Penn (MS)
1700-01, List of laws passes in two Gen. Assemblies (MS)
1701, Abstract or Abridgment of the Laws
1702, Laws of the Province of Pensilvania (MS)
1705, Laws made and passed (MS)
1707-02-22, Ordinance est. courts of judicature (MS)
1709-09-29, Act for inhabitants better to enjoy their lands (MS)
1710-24, Acts passed at various Assemblies (MS)
1711- , Pennsylvania Session Laws
1714, Laws of Pennsylvania
1724- , Pennsylvania Journal of the House of Representatives
1726, Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania
1728, Laws of the Province of Pennsylvania
1728-04, Assembly. Proceedings
1729-03-31, Proclamation on suppressing riots (MS)
1738-08-29, Proclamation against violence btw Pa. & Md. (MS)
174- Sundry laws and documents (MS)
1740, Proceedings during the Assembly on expedition in the Sp. W. Indies
1742, Collection of all the laws
1754, Assembly. Extracts from the printed Votes
1755-08-30, Order of embargo on shipping (MS)
1755-11, Copies of publick papers which have passed in Penn.
1755-11-11, Act for supplying the Western & Northern Indians … with goods at easier rates (MS)
1755-11-22, Act for better ordering volunteers
1755-11-27, Act granting L60,000 for the King's use
1757-03-05, Order imposing embargo on departing vessels (MS)
1757-03-06, Order of embargo on shipping (MS)
1759-04, Act for regulating officers … in this province (MS)
1762, Abridgment of the laws of Penn.
1762, Charters and acts of Assembly, 2v.
1762-02-07, Wharf rates and regulations
1764, Session laws (MS)
1764-03-24, Pennsylvania Assembly resolutions
1766?, Act for the better employment and support of the poor
1766-02-24, Proclamation of capital punishment for settling Indian lands
1766-09-23, Proclamation against settling on Indian lands
1768-02-03, Act to remove persons on Indian larnds
1769-10-07, Proclamation to preserve fish in certain rivers
177-?, Assembly. Extracts from the votes
1773-09-20, Proclamation of punishment for settling Indian lands
1775, Acts of Assembly
1776-09-03, Ordinance appointing justices of the peace
1776-09-14, Equalizing the burden of associators and non-associators
1776-90, Minutes of the General Assembly
1777-02-15, Resolutions to defend New England
1777-02-24, Resolution that troops be sent to join Gen. Washington
1777-10-21, Resolutions seizing abandoned property
1777-11-07, Fixing the price of spiritous liquours
1778-01-02, Act to prevent forestalling
1778-11-27, Act to prohibit making of whiskey
1779, Acts of the General Assembly
1782, Acts of the General Assembly
1787-88, Senate & House Proceedings & debates, 4v,
1788, Compilation of the poor laws
1790- , Pennsylvania Legislative Journal of the Senate
1841, Resolutions of Pennsylvania [Va. doc.]
1841-02-41, Resolutions of New York, Connecticut and Pennsylvania respecting public lands [Mass. doc.]
1861, Tenn. & Penn. resolutions [Va. doc.]
1861, Tenn. & Penn. resolutions [Va. doc.]