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House. Act to make valid the acts of cities, towns … 1865
SEE ALSO 56458, 56463, 56589, 56613, 56619 Forty-fourth Legislature. House. No. 1. An Act to make valid the acts and doings of cities, towns, and
plantations in voting and making provisions for the payment of bounties to drafted men and their substitutes, and for other purposes, 1865. The act
validated the various arrangements towns had made to pay bounties to soldiers and their substitutes from their area, including selling bonds at 6%,
within a certain time frame. Forty-fourth Legislature. House. No. 12. An Act to make valid the acts and doings of cities, towns, and plantations
in voting and making provisions for the payment of bounties to volunteers, drafted men and substitutes of drafted and enrolled men, and for other
purposes, 1865. This version declared it was the duty of jurisdictions to collect 25% of the bounty amount each tax year until the amount was paid off.
(Digitized from a microfilm copy of title originally held by the Maine Historical Society Library, the Maine State Library, and the Library of
Title:   An act to make valid the acts and doings of cities, towns, and plantations, in voting and making provision for the payment of bounties to volunteers, drafted men and their substitutes, and for other purposes.
OCLC Number:   1427380238
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Williams draft of 1865 Jan. 13YesNo
Granger draft of 1865 Jan. 27YesNo