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1888-1906, Lawyers' Reports Annotated: L.R.A. as Authorities (6 volumes)
L.R.A. as Authorities, including the citations of each case as a precedent: (1) by any court of last resort in any jurisdiction of this country; (2)
by the extensive and thorough annotations of the Lawyers Reports Annotated, the American state reports, the English ruling cases, the British ruling
cases, and the United States Supreme Court Reports (Laws. Ed.). 1-70 L.R.A. Published in six volumes (Lawyers Co-Operative Publishing Company
(Rochester, N.Y. 1913-1914). Volume I includes a preface, which states: “[T]his work gives in a compact form the entire history of each [case printed in
Lawyers Reports Annotated] as shown by all the later cases that have cited it, and also the substance of all this mass of later decisions on that point,
while the references to the later annotations which have cited any case lead directly to exhaustive discussions and analyses of the law upon the
questions involved.” (At time of writeup, volumes 1-4 of 6 volumes was available.)
Title:   L.R.A. as authorities : including the citations of each case as a precedent: (1) by any court of last resort in any jurisdiction of this country; (2) by the extensive and thorough annotations of the Lawyers reports annotated, the American state reports, the English ruling cases, the British ruling cases, and the United States Supreme Court reports (Law. ed.).
OCLC Number:   681099820
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1, Cases from Vols. 1-7YesYes
Vol. 2, Cases from Vols. 8-15YesYes
Vol. 3, Cases from Vols. 16-25YesYes
Vol. 4, Cases from Vols. 26-36YesYes