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Brougham and Vaux, Rhetorical and Literary Dissertations and Addresses, [1856?]
Rhetorical and Literary Dissertations and Addresses, by Henry, Lord Brougham. Published by Charles Griffin and Co. (London [1856?]). 4 + 424 p.
Contents include the dissertation on the eloquence of the ancients, with an appendix with extracts of speeches by Lord Erskine, Mr. Grattan, and
Demosthenes; the inaugural discourse on being installed Lord Rector of the University of Glasgow; rhetorical contributions to the Edinburgh Review (Roman,
Greek, and English orators, and pulpit eloquence; the discourse of the objects, advantages and pleasures of science and of political science; and an Index.
Title:   Rhetorical and literary dissertations and addresses / by Henry, Lord Brougham, F.R.S., member of the National Institute of France, and of the Royal Academy of Naples.
OCLC Number:   1410019439
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