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May, Democracy in Europe, 1878 (2 vols.)
Democracy in Europe: A History, by Sir Thomas Erskine May, in Two Volumes. Published by W. J. WIddleton (New York 1878). The first volume includes a
Preface and table of contents and chapters on The East, Greece, Rome, The Dark Ages and the Revival, The Italian Republics, and Switzerland (421 p.).
The second volume includes chapters on The Netherlands, France, and England; and an Index to the entire set (552 p.)
Title:   Democracy in Europe / a history by Sir Thomas Erskine May, K.C.B., D.C.L., author of "The constitutional history of England since the accession of George III., 1760-1871."
OCLC Number:   562757629
Available Volumes
NameFiche CountOnlinePaper Backup
Vol. 1YesYes
Vol. 2YesYes