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Colonial Empire Decisional Processes, 1924-28, Col. Off., 1929
Memorandum showing the progress and development in the colonial empire in the machinery for dealing with colonial questions from Novevember, 1924, to
November, 1928: n.a., 81p, issued by the Colonial Office, Cmnd. 3268, London, HMSO, 1929. (A TOC starts on p. 3. Lacks index. The preface is signed
by: L.S. Amery.)
Title:   Memorandum showing the progress and development in the Colonial Empire and in the machinery for dealing with colonial questions from November, 1924, to November, 1928 / presented by the Secretary of State for the Colonies to Parliament by command of His Majesty, January, 1929.
OCLC Number:   747294268
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