Le télégraphe: newspaper, weekly, 1821-1843, Port-au-Prince: Imp. Government. (This is the original official gazette for Haiti, starting publication after the death of Henri Christophe, when Haiti was united under President Boyer governing from Port-au-Prince. In its first years Le télégraphe was edited by Just Chanlatte, a Haitian journalist and playwright {1766-1828} then at the end of his career. It is illustrative of the changing loyalties of the times that in previous roles Chanlatte served as political editor for Emperor Dessalines until his assassination in 1806, allegedly by Christophe and Petion, and then entered the service of Christophe, under whom he edited the official gazette of King Henry’s northern kingdom. As of 5/11, LLMC’s run of Le télégraphe held only the following scattered images: 1841, Nos. 7-13, 14 Feb. to 28 Mar.; & 1842, No 13, 24 Mar. The loan of additional materials for scanning to fill gaps would be much appreciated.)